Becoming a creative, innovative, and excellent institution of higher education in 2043




Vision: Becoming a creative, innovative, and excellent faculty of humanities and social sciences in 2043


  • • Carrying out education in humanities and social sciences in order to produce creative, innovative, and excellent human resources
  • • Developing education and conducting research in humanities and social sciences.
  • • Carrying out education, research and community service in humanities and social sciences in order to improve the environment-oriented and norm-and ethics-based quality of life.
  • • Establishing and developing collaborations with different local/regional, national, and international parties in order to produce graduates in humanities and social sciences.


  • • Producing creative, innovative, and excellent human resources in humanities and social sciences.
  • • Conducting research and applying Sciences and Technology in humanities and social sciences in order to improve the quality of community’s life.
  • • Desseminating the results of research and application of sciences and technology in humanities and social sciences.
  • • Establishing good collaborations (networkings) with different local/regional, national and international parties in order to produce quality graduates in humanities and social sciences.


VISI : Menjadi fakultas teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan yang creative, innovative, excellent pada tahun 2034.

Misi :

  • Menyelenggarakan pendidikan di bidang teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan yang bermutu dalam menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang creative, innovative, excellent.
  • Menyelenggarakan pengembangan pendidikan dan penelitian di bidang teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan.
  • Menyelenggarakan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di bidang teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup yang berwawasan lingkungan serta berlandaskan pada norma dan etika.
  • Menjalin dan mengembangkan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak, baik dalam lingkup lokal/regional, nasional, dan internasional dalam rangka menghasilkan lulusan di bidang teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan yang bermutu.


  • Menghasilkan SDM yang creative, innovative, excellent di bidang teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan.
  • Menghasilkan kegiatan penelitian dan penerapan IPTEKS di bidang teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan yang dapat diimplementasikan untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat.
  • Menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dan penerapan IPTEKS di bidang teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan.
  • Terciptanya jalinan kerjasama yang baik (networking) dalam ruang lingkup lokal/regional, nasional dan internasional, guna menghasilkan lulusan di bidang teknologi dan ilmu kesehatan yang bermutu.

Ciri Khas


Being creative means having the ability to overcome a problem leading to an opportunity for everybody to have new ideas (being adaptive) that have overall functions and uses to develop. Being creative refers to the ability to think or act to find out the smart, specific (out of the box), unusual, and original solution to a condition or problem leading to an appropriate and useful result.


Being innovative means having the ability to utilize thought and resources available around us to produce things which are new, original and useful to many people. Being innovative refers to the ability that someone has to utilize his/her ability and expertise to produce new things.


Being excellent refers to the ability acquired through the distinctive features of an institution to perform better than another in the same industry or market. Being excellent refers to the ability to possses good qualities in high degree.